Pricing & Policies

IAPD Canadian Charitable Golf Tournament

Event Fees:

IAPD Member Price: US$275

Nonmember Price: US$375


Nonmember Policy

Nonmember IAPD Charitable Golf Tournament attendees, defined as an employee of a company in the performance plastics industry (distributor, manufacturer, fabricator, manufacturers’ representative, resin manufacturer/distributor, recycler or companies that would qualify under the associated products and services category of membership) that would otherwise qualify for IAPD membership, may be invited to attend one IAPD Charitable Golf Tournament as a guest of an official IAPD Representative and must be submitted to the IAPD Headquarters Office in advance of the tournament for approval. 

Any nonmember company interested in attending an IAPD Charitable Golf Tournament in order to determine whether IAPD is a fit for membership, please contact IAPD Headquarters at (913) 345-1005. 

All nonmember registrations will be reviewed by IAPD Headquarters staff before approval. 
IAPD Representatives are defined as IAPD Staff, IAPD Board of Directors or Executive Committee Members, IAPD Membership Committee Members or volunteers of the Regional Golf Committees. 

Nonmembers will adhere to the following policies: 

  • Nonmembers are limited to attending a single golf tournament as prospective members.
  • Nonmember golfers will pay an additional USD$100 to the regular golf registration fee.
  • During the registration process, nonmember golfers will designate who they are a guest of for the tournament.
  • If a nonmember attempts to attend an IAPD golf tournament once they have already attended an IAPD golf tournament after this policy is in effect and have not joined IAPD as a member, their registration fee will be refunded, and they will not be allowed to attend this tournament.
  • Nonmember attendees will agree and adhere to the IAPD Event Code of Conduct and this policy.

Nonmember Guest Policy

Nonmember Guest attendees are defined as golfers that would otherwise not qualify for IAPD membership. Nonmember guests may not be distributors, fabricators, manufacturers, manufacturers’ representatives, resin manufacturers/distributors, recyclers nor companies that qualify under the associated products and services membership categories. Guests may be invited to attend an IAPD Charitable Golf Tournament by an official IAPD Representative and must be submitted to IAPD Headquarters Office in advance of the tournament for approval.

Guest attendees will adhere to the following policies: 

  • Nonmember guest golfers will pay an additional USD$100 to the regular golf registration fee.
  • During the registration process, nonmember guest golfers will designate who they area guest of for the tournament as well as their type of business (i.e. t-shirt printing services).
  • There is no limit to how many IAPD Charitable Golf Tournaments a nonmember guest attendee may attend as long as their employer does not otherwise qualify for IAPD membership, and they are invited to attend by an IAPD member attendee, or a designated representative of IAPD.
  • Nonmember guest attendees will agree and adhere to the IAPD Event Code of Conduct and this policy.


All registration cancellations and refund requests must be made in writing by Wednesday, June 5th, 2024. A refund of the full registration fee, minus a US$25 administrative fee, will be given for cancellations received by that date. No Refunds will be granted for requests postmarked after June 5th, 2024. Please submit all requests to IAPD staff via email at [email protected]. Refunds will not be given for no-shows.


For questions regarding registration, please contact Kendra Henggeler at (913) 345-1005.

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